
Ladybugs ADHD and Autistic Minds Conference 7-9 June

The Ladybugs ADHD and Autistic Minds conference is being held 7-9 June. Parents/guardians wishing to attend our streaming at the Marden Campus please email with the sessions you would like to see.

The full agenda can be found here:

Unfortunately we aren’t able to offer online access from home but if families are interested they can purchase their own online ticket for $40.

Particular interest to parents may be the sessions:

  • “Neuro-affirming ways to support executive functioning at home,” 10am SA time, Wednesday June 8th
  • “Family Dynamics” 3:15pm Wednesday June 8th
  • “When we know better we can do better: My journey to becoming an ND affirming parent and clinician,” 11:15am Thursday June 9th.
  • “Reimagining our Autistic/ADHD family culture,” 1pm Thursday June 9th.

For more information please email Sasha:

Last updated: 03 June 2022