Library News September
Posted on September 05, 2019

Marden Education Centre Library
Book Week
What an exciting Book Week! There were displays in the library including all the books shortlisted from each award category. The library staff joined in the dress up day on Friday. The theme for 2019 was Reading is my Secret Power and we adapted this to also include superpower.
Stories using the Book Week books and activities relating to the stories were shared with classes, on assemblies as well as at the Storytime and Book Chat events. Book Week was so big we couldn’t fit it all into just one week. More Book Week happenings will occur during the Languages and Library Come in Day at Marden on 5 September and up at SOTA for Mini-Schools.
Premier’s Reading Challenge
The Challenge is over for 2019. Completed forms need to be returned to the library by 4 September. The PRC form for your year level can be downloaded from the Library page on the OAC website. Then add the 12 books you have read to the form and email it back to
Storytime on Monday
Students in R-6 classes are welcome to join in the Library Storytime event each Monday at 1.30pm on WebEx. It is a chance to share stories and activities with students from a range of classes. New resources in the library are promoted at the start of the session and students also have the opportunity to ask for books and other resources to be sent out.
Book Chat on Thursday
Students in Year 5-7 classes are welcome to join in the Library Book Chat event each Thursday at 2.15pm on WebEx. It is a chance to find out about some of the books available from the library, and share stories and activities with other students.
Clickview digital video library
All students have access to Clickview – our digital video library. Clickview has video content that is used in lessons as well as some films etc for general viewing. If you haven’t already set up your Clickview account, check your emails for one from Clickview. Use your Daymap email and the first time use the password marden. You will then be prompted to change it. Then you are ready to starting your viewing.
The link to our Clickview collection is on the Library page of the OAC website at or go straight there from this link: Clickview. If you need your account reset or have any issues using Clickview please contact the library.
Displays in the library
The term started with a display highlighting the 50th anniversary of the Moon Landing. We have also promoted Wear it Purple Day, SALA and of course, Book Week. Photos of our displays and other library events are up on the @mardenlibrary Twitter account and will soon be up on Instagram too.
If you have any queries or would like resources sent out, please contact the Library. Our phone numbers are (08) 8309 3620 or (08) 8309 3640 or use the 1800 882 328 number and ask for the library.
If you are able to make it in to Marden, please visit us in the library and meet the staff and check out the resources. You can also email us at
Sue Johnston
Library Manager