
Senior Jumpers are Ready to Order!


Order by 21 August!

Through the work of the Student Voice leadership team we now have the Senior Jumpers ready for order! Year 10, 11 and 12 students are invited to order a senior hoody.

To order, download the ordering instructions and follow the process.

All orders are made directly to Reform Clothing, the business who is creating our school jumpers. Payment is made online through the website which allows you to purchase in a safe and secure manner at any time.

Students have the opportunity to put forward a nickname to put on the back of your jumper. So along with your order, write down what nickname you’d like to have on your jumper. Keep in mind that as a school-related garment, nicknames have to be appropriate and shouldn’t be offensive or derogatory in any way.

The school will see the nicknames and orders put through to approve all of the orders before the business starts to make and print the jumpers.

The final date and time for orders to be made is by midnight on 21 August.

If you are on a school card and would need a subsidy to afford a jumper, the school may be able to offer a subsidy for your purchase so you may email us to inquire.

If you need more information or would like to ask about a subsidy for your jumper, please email Isaac:

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Last updated: 26 August 2019