Vocational Education Training
Posted on July 23, 2024

2025 VET course applications open from this week. Your best chance an securing a place is to apply now!
What is VET?
VET stands for Vocational Education and Training. VET is nationally recognised industry training within the Australian Qualifications Framework. VET enables students to acquire skills, knowledge and training for work through a nationally recognised industry-developed training package or accredited course. VET is assessed and certified by Registered Training Organisations (RTO).
Undertaking VET may benefit students' exploration of a variety of career pathways. It is not just reserved for a pathway within the trades, such as plumbing, hairdressing, or construction. Students can complete VET qualifications in a diverse range of industries, including screen and media, veterinary nursing, aged care, early childhood education or electrotechnology.
VET courses usually run during school terms, either during or after school. Very few courses have prerequisites, but all require regular attendance and the completion of set work to a satisfactory standard. Some courses also require the completion of work placement.
Why study VET?
VET can be an excellent option for many students. It usually includes practical, hands-on learning, and can lead to further training pathways and employment opportunities in many industry areas. Undertaking VET as part of the SACE gives students a head start on a qualification, apprenticeship or traineeship. It is a great way to fast-track progress towards a rewarding career, while also developing independence, time-management and other employability skills and capabilities.
Students undertaking VET courses can -
- Personalise their learning pathways.
- Develop industry specific skills, often including on-the-job structured workplace learning.
- Get a head start on a career and be more 'apprenticeship ready'.
- Work to attain a nationally accredited certificate against the Australian Qualification Training Framework.
- Achieve their SACE through diverse learning experiences.
- Use their VET to contribute to an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) or TAFE SA entry, in the case of full completion of most Certificate III and higher-level courses.
Further information:
VET Information Session
- Tuesday 30th July, 3.30 pm
- Year 10 and 11, Online
- Come and learn about all things VET – eligibility, requirements and how to apply for a 2025 VET course.
- Parents/care givers encouraged to attend.