Register for Flinders uniTEST for entry in 2024
Posted on September 05, 2023

Do you want to increase your chances of getting into Flinders University in 2024?
Marden Senior College will be hosting the Flinders uniTEST to current Year 12 students as an entry pathway for 2024 in Week 10, Wednesday 27 September from 1.30pm-4.00pm.
For more information about the uniTEST, please refer to the attached uniTEST flyer and the information provided below.
What is Flinders uniTEST?
uniTEST is an aptitude test that has been developed to assess the kinds of generic reasoning and thinking skills that underpin studies at higher education and that are needed for students to be successful at this level. uniTEST is offered to students at no cost and they cannot be disadvantaged by participating.
Selection Process
Flinders University will select applicants based on both their Year 12 results (60% weighting toward the ATAR selection rank) and uniTEST results (40%). Flinders will also consider applicants based on their uniTEST results (100%) as a standalone entry score (subject to SACE completion and any course pre-requisites or specific admissions requirements). WHICH EVER IS THE BETTER RESULT!
In 2022 over 1600 students took part in Flinders UniTEST. Participation led to offers in courses across the university, including popular courses such as Law, Psychology, Medical Science, Nutrition & Dietetics, Paramedic Science, and Speech Pathology.
Testing at Marden
The test itself will take a maximum of 2.5 hours and will be held in the G3 computer suite. Once you have registered, you will be sent emails with further sitting details. NOTE: You cannot sit this unless registered.
If you have any further queries regarding the process and the administration of uniTEST, please don’t hesitate to contact Michelle Van Wyk on 8366 2800.
- Uni TEST Flyer 2023 (pdf) 4.6MB