
Library News October

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Premier's Reading Challenge 2018

Well done to the 47 students from Rec- Year 12 who completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge by reading at least 12 books.

It was interesting to see how diverse everybody’s reading is, ranging from books about Japanese poetry to classic storybooks such as Dear Zoo and lots of interesting non-fiction topics.

For those who completed the challenge, certificates and medals will be sent or presented to students during Term 4.

Busy time for Senior Secondary students

All the best to senior school students finishing off lessons and assignments and those gearing up for exams.

We are looking forward to getting all your resources back once you finish off. If you need a list of resources out in your name please let us know.

We will also be sending letters to everyone later in the term.

Displays in the Library

The Library is always a busy place and the end of term 3 was no exception!

We have had a number of Library displays that have been very well received, including our display for RUOK? Day!

If students or families are coming in to Marden, please visit us in the library, meet the staff, check out our displays and collect some resources.

Visit or Contact us - We're here to help!

If you would like to organise resources or become involved in one of the library events, please contact us. Our phone numbers are (08) 8309 3620 or (08) 8366 2822 or use the 1800 882 328 number and ask for the library.

You can also email and follow us on Twitter @mardenlibrary

Anne Mayfield
Library Staff

Last updated: 18 October 2018