
Piper's Passion For Sport Leads Her To Study Online At Open Access College

Piper Delbridge

Piper is the youngest of 4 siblings. She’s a passionate sportswomen who loves playing netball, as well as relaxing with friends in her down time.

When her School didn’t have enough students to run a Health class, she began investigating Open Access College.

OAC has a type of enrolment that allows students to take a one-off subject online. It's called a curriculum choice enrolment and for Piper it was a perfect fit.

“I had never heard of OAC beforehand and was quite nervous about attending classes over the internet however I am now so thankful that I had the opportunity.”

The technology to make online learning successful is important. However a bigger factor is having passionate teachers who care about their students.

“I found it to be a challenge to attend my lesson at the same time each week due to many other school commitments clashing, however my OAC teacher was so understanding and flexible, always making sure that if I was unable to attend that he would phone me to catch me up on what I had missed”.

Studying one-off subjects online not only has the benefit of completing subjects that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. But it also gives students a chance to learn new skills.

“I really benefited from the experience, it significantly improved my communication skills as I had to engage with complete strangers in an unfamiliar environment. It didn’t take long to adapt because everyone was so friendly and encouraging.”

“I could not be more appreciative of the ongoing support my teacher Daniel gave me, if it wasn’t for his knowledge and supportive nature I would have never achieved the results I did. “

Choosing to do a curriculum choice subject at OAC has been a positive step in Piper’s education. After receiving a merit in Health she has now gone onto study Health and Medical Science at Adelaide University and hopes to transfer into post graduate Medicine.

At Open Access College we believe it is important as a parent or student to have all of the options available to you.

If there’s a subject that isn’t available at your current School, it may be possible to study it online at OAC through our Curriculum Choice Enrolment program.

If you would like to discuss your options you can also contact us on 1800 882 328.

Last updated: 26 October 2020