School Based Immunisation Program
Posted on February 01, 2018

Protection produced by some vaccines will decline over time and booster doses may be needed to ensure high levels of protection are maintained (for example diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus). A booster dose given in high school will provide protection over a longer period of time.
Also new vaccines such as the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (GARDASIL 9) are more effective if delivered at a specific age. Gardisil vaccine schedule change (Pdf- 191Kb)
Vaccines delivered through the school program are made available at no cost under the National Immunisation Program. Fully trained and qualified vaccination team visit all high schools to offer the free vaccines that are recommended for students in both Year 8 and Year 9.
Open Access College children can access the free vaccines by:
- Parents contacting their local council or SA Health's Immunisation Section.
- If you prefer, your doctor administering the vaccines. Ask your doctor to make arrangements with SA Health's Immunisation Section to have your child's vaccines delivered. Once your doctor has received the vaccines you can make an appointment for your child to receive them. The vaccines are free but there may be a consultation fee.
To be eligible to receive free vaccines under the School Based Immunisation Program, your child must be enrolled in Year 8.
More information is available on the Year 8 Parent/Guardian Information Sheet (Pdf 52Kb).
- Gardasil Vaccine Schedule Change (pdf) 191KB
- Year 8 Immunisation Information Sheet (pdf) 52KB