Student Achievers - Evangelia Wichmann
Posted on December 31, 2019

I am in Year 12 this year at Tenison Woods College, Mount Gambier.
In 2006 I moved to Australia from Munich, Germany with my two older siblings and my parents.
After school, other than doing homework, I spend my time dancing and acting,
as well as debating, cooking, playing instruments and spending time with our animals.
Speaking German at home with the family, my parents wanted me to complete Stage 2 German not only to get a better understanding of the grammar but also to keep my options open after year 12.
I started studying German Continuers at OAC in year 9. Schools in the region didn’t offer German Continuers as a subject so it was a great opportunity for me and my siblings.
The flexible time tables and clear course structure made my learning very stress-free and the easy and clear communication between students and teachers made it very enjoyable.
Studying German outside of my school was sometimes difficult, mainly because I had more homework.
I really enjoyed my Open Access experience, my teacher was amazing and my classmates were all really friendly, many of us being in the same position and with similar backgrounds.
This year, I have started my last year of school. I have a range of interests that I really enjoy.
After completing school, I would love to become an actress. It has been a dream of mine since I was about 5 years old, but knowing about the small chances of having a stable job in this industry, I keep my options open with my year 12 subjects.
Before I start studying again and attend auditions, I am planning to go to France in 2019 to work, travel and learn the language. French has always interested me and as I’m able to speak Italian, I hope it will help me learn the new language reasonably fast.
I’d also consider spending a year away from Australia and to see some more parts of Europe on my own.