"We learnt a lot" at the East Adelaide Career Expo
Posted on October 16, 2019

On Thursday 15 August in partnership with Marden Senior College, the East Adelaide Career Expo was held featuring a wide range of representatives from both tertiary education and career pathways.
These included the University of South Australia, University of Adelaide and Flinders University, as well as TAFE SA, Clipjoint, the Australian Defence Force Academy and many more.
It was great to see lots of OAC students along with Marden Senior College students chatting to the presenters and learning more about different pathways open to them. The day was a particular success for current year 10 students as it ties in with their completion of PLP this semester.
Below is some feedback from a year 10 student and her parent on the day:
“We attended yesterday and found it actually very helpful to have all the information in one place (though obviously you can Google for yourself). But talking to the representatives, we found a lot of surprising things we were not aware of, from their personal experiences and tips. My daughter is very interested in photography and they steered us in the right direction. She initially was not keen to attend University but her teachers have emphasised that the learning environment is strikingly similar to that of OAC (she attends online) and dovetails very neatly into a lot of avenues of education.
"Particularly Flinders Uni, UniSA and HITSA – the lady running the stall for Hospitalilty, baristas, first aid and hygiene – she was giving out green pens and was very helpful.
"It was also very nice to meet two of Kate’s teachers – always so approachable and easy to talk to.
"Thank you for organising this, we learnt a lot." - Jane and Kate
Look out for the event next year around the same time!
Katie Piper
Student Wellbeing Leader