
Well done Jessica!


I’m Jessica Wilson,

When I was 14 years old I wanted my license. I wasn’t going to let my struggles in learning stop me. So I got mum to get me a learners book and I started reading and watching Mum and Dad drive.

After studying for 2 years and 5 months, on the 18thof May 2020, 11 days after my 16th birthday I went for my learner’s license and had to do the 8 give way questions before I could go on to the multiple choice questions, but I failed the test on the computer by getting one of the 8 give way questions wrong.

I felt really upset, cried for half the day but was determined to go back and do it again. As my Mum always said,” (I can do it, Never Give Up, Never Surrender)”. Haha Mum is always right.

On the 20th of May after studying for 2 days, I went back for my learner’s license and decided to do the written test. After doing the written test I got all 8 give way questions write and multiple choice, 40 out of 42 correct. This made me excited and happy because I passed my learner’s test.

I then went for my first drive with my Dad. It was fun

Just because I have a disability doesn’t mean I can’t achieve anything I want to in life. One goal at a time and I can do anything I want.

Never Give Up, If I Can Do It You Can.

Last updated: 11 June 2020